Forza Italia – Daymare: 1998 for FREE!!
Insieme al nostro publisher, Destructive Creations, abbiamo deciso di dare una mano ai nostri connazionali e compagni giocatori in questo periodo così difficile.
Ragazzi e studenti italiani, seguite il link qui sotto e fate vostra una chiave Steam completamente gratuita di Daymare: 1998!
Validità: Martedì 21 Aprile alle 14:00 – Venerdì 24 Aprile alle 18:00
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Forza Italia – Daymare: 1998 to the rescue!
Together with publisher Destructive Creations we lend a hand to our fellow gamers in these difficult times.
Students in Italy, claim one of 10 000 free Steam keys for DAYMARE: 1998!
Giveaway period: Tuesday 21 April 14:00 – Friday 24 April 18:00
Stay safe! Stay healthy! #stayathome
Madari Al Kihedan
Thank you for making Daymare 1998 Invader Studio , You Made a special survival horror gem that’s to me is way better than what Capcom did with RE2 Reboot And RE3 Reboot , I absolutely loved the heavy Atmosphere , The locations , Voice acting and the great soundtrack , I would love to see an update on the game for better frame rates and performance on PS4 , It’s my preferred platform , Or more extra modes like mercenary mode or classic fixed camera angles mode , I bought the game twice , One on steam , One digital on PS4 and I will be buying the physical version of PS4 , Am really happy with Daymare folks . ; D
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Michele Beccalossi
Forza Italia my ass, the keys are already up for resale on shady sites, thank you for doing the giveaway the wrong way!